Published: Nov. 9, 2022

reduce your carbon footprint logoSometimes reducing your carbon footprint can be a difficult and daunting task. Here are 20 small actions you can try on your new - or steadfast - journey to living more sustainably! Small actions make a big difference. Pick a couple to try below to get started.

1. Turn off the lights each time you leave the room

2. Use energy efficient light bulbs at home, at school and in your office

3. Take the bus

4. Walk, use a scooter or ride a bike 

5. Join or organize a carpool

6. Join a car cooperative - there are many options available

7. Eat meatless meals once a week

8. Buy local and in-season food whenever possible

9. Ask for local, organic and fair trade food on campus

10. Use a reusable coffee mug

11. Avoid using disposable plastic and bring your own cutlery/chopsticks/cup/tupperware to CU

12. Use a stainless steel water bottle instead of a plastic one.

13. Line dry your laundry

14. Purchase used furniture, clothing, school supplies and books (check out the GFH Housing Item Exchange Facebook group)

15. Print double-sided

16. Buy 100% recycled paper

17. Support local businesses and Colorado made products

18. Buy 100% biodegradable and non-toxic cleaning products and toiletries

19. Be sure to recycle and compost correctly!

20. Share what you learn with family and friends